Nano Drones – 7 Top Tips How To Pick The Best Device

In my family, we often hear the phrase, “The best things come in small packages,” because most of us are short.  My mum meant well by making this the family motto, but it didn’t feel so good after many tumbles and scrapes on the football field. However, I now know what she means because nano drones are possibly the best type of drone, and I love using them with my family.

A nano drone provides a completely unique experience to a standard or large-scale drone. It is important that you are prepared for a distinct experience. However, I think nano drones are a lot more fun and there is a great deal of excitement with this device style. My kids and I have spent a lot of time and money with nano drones, and I think we know the top features to focus on to get the best return for your money.

What do you want your nano drone to do?

The 7 top things I would consider before investing in a nano drone are:

  1. Consider the price and make sure it is within your budget.
  2. ​Think about the speed you hope to see in your nano drone.
  3. ​How important is battery life to you and what do you need to ​maximize the use of your nano drone?
  4. ​Do you need integrated GPS with your drone or a follow-me mode?
  5. ​Is the nano drone going to be easy to use?
  6. ​How much of a range do you need for the nano drone?
  7. ​Are you looking for a nano drone with obstacle avoidance features?

Nano Drone

Consider the price and make sure it is within your budget

Your budget will always be crucial in choosing your ideal nano drone. Due to their size, many nano drones are more affordable than normal drones, so you don’t need to spend a lot of money to buy a great one.

​However, nano drones are still technical devices, so they are not as cheap as some people would expect. Therefore, you should work out how much you can afford to spend on a new drone and then start examining drones within this price range.

Think about the speed you hope to see in your nano drone

The device’s speed is one of the most important things for any drone user. There is a great thrill in seeing a nanodevice whizz through the air.

​As you would expect, these devices have a great variance in top speeds. If a fast pace is important to you, make it a priority and try to balance out the other requirements as best as possible.

How important is battery life to you and what do you need to maximise the use of your nano drone?

The bigger the battery, the more fun you can have without pausing. However, a bigger battery often comes with a heavier price tag and will often slow your drone down. You may need to balance the importance of a strong battery with your budget or your need for speed.

Do you need integrated GPS with your drone or a follow-me mode?

Nano drones don’t need as much technology or support as larger drones, but the technology is improving. It could be you think integrated GPS technology is vital for your nano drone. Also, many drones now have follow me technology, which helps to minimise the likelihood of losing your drone.

Is the nano drone going to be easy to use?

If you use your drone with your kids, like I do, you know how vital it is to find a drone that is easy to use. Many highly technical drones are difficult for children to use, and this can limit the fun you have.

​This isn’t a major problem with nano drones. These devices are usually simpler to use than high-end drones, making them suitable for youngsters.

How much of a range do you need for the nano drone to have?

Nano drones don’t have as much of a range as traditional drones, but the distance they can cover will likely be an issue. Whether you want a drone that is suitable for the backyard or perhaps venturing out into a park or open area, you must find a drone that is up to the intended task.

​Nano drones are smaller, so there is less impact of them flying into the sky or further distances, but there is always great pride in pushing your drone further than before.

Are you looking for a nano drone with obstacle avoidance features?

As technology improves, the capabilities of nano drones improve with each passing year. Obstacle avoidance technology is a critical factor in many full-size drones, but it is also being included with some nano drones now.

This may not be a feature too many people need, so if you don’t need it, don’t worry about it.  However, if you want to enjoy your nano drone for many years to come, obstacle avoidance technology may be of benefit.

If you follow these tips, you can narrow down your options and find the ideal drone for your needs.

Hopefully, you have enjoyed this guide to nano drones and how to pick the best one. Reading about nano drones isn’t anywhere near as much fun as flying one. However, this information will hopefully help you have a lot of fun by helping you choose your ideal drone. Once I knew the main criteria for nano drones, it became much easier to focus on what features matter when buying a device.

​If you are keen to get involved with nano drones, why not share this content with the people you will play with or tell us how you expect to use your nano drone? I find that nano drones are a fantastic way to have fun and share great times with others, and I hope you feel the same.

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Jomy George
Jomy George

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