How To Do Drone Travel Right – Tips For Fantastic Flying Fun

​While there is something thrilling about using your drone in your local area, capturing the sights of your local neighborhood, for many, the real joy comes in exploring new areas. This is something that my children and I adore, and in recent times, we have booked breaks and vacations that allow us to explore with our drones. Drone travel is a brilliant reason to see more of the world or your country.

However, if you have spent a lot of money on your drone, it is natural that you will have questions about traveling with your drone. Can you take your drone with you abroad? Can you legally use the drone on holiday? Are there any power issues to consider when you use a drone while traveling?

Having traveled extensively with drones in recent years, I have learned many things about drone travel, and I hope to make the process easier for you.

​Follow these tips to best enjoy drone travel plans

While everyone travels in their own way, there are some tips that will make the process of traveling much easier. The list below is a range of factors that you must consider when planning a trip with your drone

  • ​Check local drone usage laws
  • ​Store your drone in an appropriate case or bag
  • ​Do not put your drone or batteries in a checked bag
  • ​If you can, buy a portable drone
  • ​Familiarise yourself with the charging time for your drone
  • ​Create a flight plan before you set off

It is important that you consider all these individual tips, and this will help you to make of your drone travel plans.

best drone travel

Check local drone usage laws

Before you book a holiday or pack your drone, make sure that you can use a drone. Not everywhere is as welcoming to a drone as your local area, and many holidaymakers have found their hopes of capturing tremendous footage dashed because of local drone usage laws.

As an example, using a drone is allowed in Namibia, but you are not allowed to use a drone in a National Park. There is also the situation in Egypt where owning a drone is considered an offense, and you can be arrested for having one in your possession.

The situation in Egypt is a more extreme example of what can go wrong if you don’t follow local drone laws, but it is best to familiarise yourself with what you can and cannot do with a drone when you travel.

Store your drone in an appropriate case or bag

Drones are often light and aerodynamic. This is brilliant news if you are looking for your drone to fly with grace and speed but equally, it can compromise the robustness of your drone. Therefore, if you are packing your drone when traveling, invest in a sturdy case and make sure the drone is packed safely and securely.

​Review what you can do with respect to your drone and batteries when traveling

If you are flying to your holiday destination, be mindful of how and where you pack your drone and batteries. The size of your drone may mean you are unable to carry it onto the plane in checked luggage, meaning it must be stored in the hold. If this is the case, ensure that the drone has been packed safely and securely.

Be sure to check your airlines’ stance on batteries and what they allow to be carried on board. This differs from airline to airline so if you plan on taking several batteries with you, be sure to comply with relevant regulations.

If you can, buy a portable drone

If you are still to buy a drone or you are keen to buy a new one, it is worthwhile investing in a portable drone. While all drones have an element of portability, some drones have been designed with ease of packing and being carried around in mind.

It is likely that you will have other luggage to carry, so you want your drone to be as light and as manageable as possible. A portable drone is the best style of drone that won’t put too much pressure on you when getting from A to B.

Familiarise yourself with the charging time for your drone

There are few worse feelings than finding out your drone has run out of power or your camera has stopped filming due to a lack of energy. You can guarantee that you will miss some fantastic footage or must cut a brilliant expedition short if you don’t have enough power in your drone.

Therefore, you need to ensure that you know how long it takes to charge your drone. It is also worth remembering that not every country has the same power system, so charging your drone or camera may take longer in another country.

An additional tip on the topic of power is making sure you pack the appropriate plugs and chargers, including any adapters if required, if you are going to a country that uses a different power system than the one you are used to at home.

Create a flight plan before you set off

This is a tip that is relevant for using your drone at home too, but when you fly a drone at home, it is likely that you will feel familiar with your surroundings. This is unlikely to be the case when you are flying a drone on holiday.

Therefore, as part of your drone travel planning and preparation, create a flight plan. You should look out for potential problem areas such as power lines and try to create a flight plan or path that will minimize disruption.

Hopefully, you will have enjoyed this drone travel tutorial and that it has sparked an interest in you. My kids and I have made the most of our trips and adventures in recent years, with our drone usage adding something special to the break. If you know someone who would benefit from these tips, perhaps sparing their own interest in drones, be sure to share it with them. Also, if you have enjoyed these tips and plan to enjoy your own drone travel soon, let us know in the comments section.

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Jomy George
Jomy George

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