Samsung Will Join the Drone market with a Transfiguration Drone?

Samsung, the Korean tech giant, is famous for its smartphones and other consumer electronics products, which may be entering the drone market.

It is known that Samsung recently seems to be quite active in submitting patents on drones, and recently, the Office of Patents and Trademarks has just published a fascinating patent drone. United States (USPTO).

With this patent, Samsung will be the first smartphone maker to consider entering the drone market seriously. But that’s not all when the company doesn’t plan to make a regular drone like any other drone. The patent said that the Korean tech giant is developing a drone capable of transforming – something no drone manufacturer in the world has ever done.

Samsung Drone

Some media channels said the modified drone would serve as a next-generation accessory for the company’s Galaxy smartphone line. In a patent, this drone has foldable “arms,” along with many specific sensors. Besides camera sensors, it also has an accelerometer, barometer, compass, ultrasound, temperature, light, and ultraviolet sensors.

The “arms” of the drone can be folded into the body of the drone. Samsung said:

“… a transformable drone, in which a ‘propeller’ mounted propeller can be folded and opened from the drone body, providing an uncrewed aerial vehicle with the ability to transform between compactness and excellent flight performance through a variable drone body (or a drone frame) “

In addition to the transformations, Samsung’s drone is also equipped with many popular technologies such as wireless control with smartphone, tablet, or PC. Samsung says its drone can even be controlled by any electronic device, including household electrical appliances such as washing machines or refrigerators.

Regarding the shell structure, the drone consists of two compartments that slide together to create a neat, portable device. Like any drone control application available on the market, Samsung intends to equip joystick-like controls that can be controlled via a smartphone screen.

Drone SamSung

In the patent, Samsung emphasized that although the drone (UAV) devices were often developed for military purposes, the camera sensors integrated on the drones made them universal. Turn on the commercial market too.

Industry analysts say Samsung has applied many designs and technology-related patents related to drone since 2016, aiming to lead the world in drone technology. Samsung’s latest patent is also the fifth patent related to the company’s drones this year alone. The Korean company has even surpassed IBM to become the most patented company in the US.

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Jomy George
Jomy George

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