Step by Step Guide of Beach Drone Photography for Beginners

You might see aerial photography and other cool drone videos on the internet and wonder when you will be able to do that? Moreover, you must also be concerned that how you will be able to learn the tips and tricks to use a drone which you can safely use along with the landscapes and over the beaches.

Although it is not an easy task, but not impossible to learn. All you need is to pay a little attention and try to learn as how to handle the drone.

​In this article, we are going to share with you the guiding steps of how to use a beach drone. If you are a beginner and need someone to train you, then believe in us and just go through the guidelines given below. We assure you that after reading the article, you will be able to use your beach drone for air filming without any fear of losing it in water.

Woman Drone

​1. Focus on Your Drone

This step is the first thing that you have to do. Just look straight down on your drone. All that we see while staying on the ground is very different when we look at it from above. Drones help us do that, but the technique is quite crucial in the start.

​What most people do wrong is that while flying their drone, they keep on looking in the sky to keep track of their drone. This is because they are afraid to lose.

Now, in reality, the chances are more that you will lose your drone when you look at it in the sky rather than on the screen. Once the drone is sufficiently higher in the sky, and suddenly it disappears from your sight, you get back to your drone screen, but that is too late till this point.

​So, we recommend that you keep your eyes straight down and then use it. Cool drone videos can only be formed with good focus, and for that, you need to keep your eyes on your drone device.

2. Experimentation is the Key

When you say your drone Goodbye into the sky, it is an exhilarating feeling because now you can see things from heights and angles that you have never seen before.

​Never fear about experimentation with different height and with different perspectives. At first, you can apparently not do that while air filming, but maybe you do not get the desired results. So, when you keep on changing the angles and directions, you will automatically learn about it.

​As your beach drone can go where you cannot reach physically, so try to take every scale, zoom in and zoom out to see how differently you can do air filming and how effective aerial photography is possible with this delicate little device.

3. Get Familiar With your Drone

It is the most important advice that we could give you. You have to become familiar with your beach drone device to shoot the best scenes from above and to get amazing aerial photographs.

​This trick is most important if you are doing aerial photography as that need your hands to be more comfortable with the drone to get the best shot in one click. While air filming, you can adjust your hand more easily even if the grip is not too good.

​To get this comfort level with your beach drone, you have to practice with it. Practice by moving it in circles with your hands, fly it upward and downward, etc. these simple fundamental practice sessions will polish your skills of flying your drone, and thus, will help you in capturing fantastic footage.

4. Keep on Repeating

Another great trick of improving your skills as a beginner is to keep on repeating the shots that you take. With time, you will realize that your ability to take that shot improves.

Also, the quality of that shot will is much better as compared to when you took it for the very first time. This is exclusively important for aerial photography.

​If you are shooting cool drone videos, then your task will be a lot more hectic and time-consuming. You only have to follow the same set of rules for air filming, but you have to do it with more care and attention. This is because it is not easy to handle video quality because it is of a long time, while in case of the picture, you can just do it with a simple click.

​This step is quite difficult and needs the most attention of the drone user. It is the step where the beginners learn about the use of a drone. The more interest a person will take, the better will be the learning. So, learn from our advice and get your hands on your drone for as much time as you can.

5. Learn All the Smart Features

There are multiple smart features in a beach drone. Many people do not know their use, which is greatly lacking that is reflected in their aerial photography and air filming as well.

​So, being the new user, you must explore your device, learn the smart features, and then start practicing them one by one. You will see how amazing your filming and photography will be after learning these features.

Some of the very fantastic features of drones include the Orbit option that helps in moving the drone in a circular motion. In perfect harmony with the speed that you set for the drone, the camera starts to move and get the best shots for your video.

​Other than this, Cable cam/Waypoints is another feature allows the user to control the direction of the camera and then it configures a point and start taking the shot over and over again until you stop it.

Get Familiar With your Drone

6. Maintain Line-of-Sight

This point is really very critical. For the beginners to take care of this step is very important because it can create a great problem. It will not only unsafe for your drone but could also get a person into legal issues.

​Now, every country has its boundary, and no one from the other side of the border is allowed to interfere with their area in any way. Flying a drone out of that boundary is maybe just fun for you, but it is quite serious at the government level.

Also at some points, maybe you are air filming in your area, but the framing and the angel are maybe exceeding the boundaries. Even in this case, it could be problematic for you if someone gets to know.

​You will find many guidelines about the use of the drone, but no review mentions about this point, and we believe that this is quite a crucial point that should be told.

7. Find Your Inspiration

Inspiration is the key. If you are a beginner and you have no inspiration to start drone flying, then you will probably leave this very soon. It is very important that you find your inspiration, filter out people who work like you want to do in the future, and observe how they do that.

This will help you learn many tricks and tips even before you have a drone with you. Once you buy one, you will learn the technical part. But yes, inspiration will take your cool drone videos shooting to the next level.

​You will feel the difference yourself once you find an amazing inspiration of work for yourself. It is just like any other thing in the world that need the inspiration to start and progress.

Aeria For Photography


Beach drones are an amazing device at places where you cannot go physically. It is helping millions of people around the world by allowing them to peruse their desires for aerial photography and air filming. You must buy one for yourself if you really want to catch some amazing shots and to store the memories of different times of your life. It is not a professional device only, but a useful tool for a layman as well.

Al that you need to do is to go online, go through different drone devices, see their specifications, screen out the ones that you like and want, compare the prices and then order them.

When you get it, it will be the real treasure in your life. No matter if you have never used it, but your practice and repetition will get you through the learning phase very successfully. Therefore, go out for it and add an amazing thing in your life.

​Believe me; you will become addicted to it once you learn its proper use. Although not easy, but keeping in mind the above-given guidelines, you can sharpen your skills very effectively and fly your drone like a pro. So, if you are under pressure and hesitate to buy an expensive device like a beach drone, then get out of it right now. It has so many perks that will change your life positively.

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Jomy George
Jomy George

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