Samsung Galaxy Buds earphones are expected to launch with the Samsung Galaxy S20. When you open the headset cover and bring it closer to a Samsung smartphone, the phone pops up a message suggesting a connection. The screen displays the name Galaxy Buds.
Galaxy Buds have a similar design to the Buds model launched last year, however, the case is smooth, white instead of turning blue as the previous generation. The words on the outside show that this headphone model is still refined by the AKG brand.
This protective case and charging dock use the USB-C port. Also, users can charge wirelessly. According to a source, Galaxy Buds + comes with a case for a total of 22 hours of continuous use.
With the white version of the headset, the entire outer case and the two ears are white, the outer part is finished with turquoise, and has touch capabilities, allowing users to control by the touch or hold operation. Compared to the first version of Galaxy Buds, Galaxy Buds + has a left/right mark (L/R). The charging pins and sensors of Galaxy Buds + are similar to the version previous Buds.
The leaked information shows that Galaxy Buds + has 11 hours of battery life for listening to music, 7 hours of continuous talk time, significantly more than the 6 and 5 hours of Galaxy Buds. Also, the speaker and mic on the new headset are improved for better sound and conversation quality.
Although not yet officially launched, when connected to the phone, the Galaxy Wearable app is also updated to control Buds +. In the software, users can fine-tune the sound according to the six available modes, customize the control operations, find the headset, make noise, etc.